Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

So I didn't get the chance to post about mothers day yesterday.
It was quite a busy day.

But I just wanted to give a shout out to my mom.

I can't even express how thankful I am for her and all she does for me. She is a GREAT mother. I love her so much.


doesn't even come close to how great my mom is.

I hope you had a good mothers day mom!!

Okay so I was just about to post this when my mom came in and told me that our old neighbors and GREAT friends were here to see me.

I went outside to see Cathi and Michelle on there bikes.

We talked for a bit when all of the sudden they took this beautiful rag quilt out of the bag Michelle was holding.

She gave it to me while saying "happy mothers day"

I started crying.

I have such great people in my life.

These two awesome friends also brought me dinner the night I came home from the hospital after placing Avery.

I don't think Michelle OR Cathi read my blog,
but if they do...

You have NO idea how much this beautiful gift means to me.
I love you guys!


Rachelle said...

that is soo cool! you are so loved by so many people! what a beautiful gift and what great friends.

fivewalkers said...

You have an awesome MOM!! What a cute gift from your friends. AWW!