Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm grateful for...#19

I have saved this one for last for a reason,

I'm grateful for Avery Leigh.
She is the reason that I am who I am today.
She is the reason I have grown the way I have.

She is the reason that I cherish Every moment of every day being a mom.
She is the reason that I look at motherhood with a whole new meaning.

Nobody else in this entire world could do to me what Avery has done.
I believe that her first mission on this earth, was to help me learn what it means to Sacrifice and what a blessing it is to be a mother.

I remember the day that I had with her in the hospital when it was just me and her.
I sat there holding her,
and she was staring up at me with what was most definitely,
a smile on her face.

I knew that she was aware of what I was doing and that she was grateful for it.
It was like she was speaking to me through her eyes.
I knew that I was doing the right thing for her.
I know her Spirit was speaking to me that day.

I just love her so much and I am so eternally grateful for her.
She changed my life forever,
and I am forever grateful for it.


Brittney & Morgan said...

Andee...I just wanted to tell you how much it meant to me to meet you on Tuesday at Olympus High School. To meet you now that I have my baby was like coming full circle. I remember those days I would sit at the computer and read peoples blog that would get me through those bad days. I appreciate those that are brave enough to share there feelings with the world and especially for the adoption community. I think you are so amazing and brave and wish there were more young girls just like you!

Andrea said...

Beautiful post! Avery has blessed us all in so many ways. What a sweet little spirit.

Memoirs of Me & Mine said...

You have a beautiful blog. I'm happy I came across it.