Monday, July 6, 2009

The second Birthday party

I would just like to say really quickly that I love all of my blog readers.
You all have been such a blessing in my life and I'm so grateful for every single one of you and the amazing support I receive from you.
Today as I was getting ready (sorta) to go to dinner with my mom and dad,
my two adorable little brothers Casey and Joey walked in.

They were both holding bags of coins with little pieces of fabric in them and said

"Happy Birthday Andee"
I almost started crying.
My two little brothers have piggy banks and are very particular about what they spend their money on.

Casey handed me the bag and said "It's a dollar!"
Then Joey walked in and gave me the same thing.

I love those boys!!

Joey was SO excited about it.
He wanted me to put the money in my piggybank.
(I really need to find a coin coins are piling up!)

Then I took the fabric out of the bags.
Here is what they were:



It was the cutest thing EVER.

Casey gave me a big hug and kiss and I told him I loved him about 1000 times before he finally got away and walked out of the room, with red cheeks and a smile on his face.

Then Joey stayed with me as I finished attempting my hair.
(remember that Joey is just 4 years old).
Here is how our conversation went:

Joey: "Is Jake coming over for cake and ice cream too?"
Me: "No, Jake isn't coming over anymore."
Joey: "Why?"
Me: "Because we broke up yesterday."
Joey: "on your BIRTHDAY??"
Me: "yes, on my birthday."
Joey: "You need a new boyfriend"

It was the sweetest thing ever.
I have the best brothers in the world.
Then he gave me a big hug and kiss and said "I love you Andee."
He's FOUR!!

After Dinner,
I came home and had my closest friends come over for cake and Ice cream.
Terri and Dustin.

I wish I had pictures of all of them, but I was too obsessed with Avery and only took them of her.
But I do have pictures of some of us holding her..

Avery and Joey

Avery and My Aunt MaryJane

Avery and Me


Mae AJ and Conner said...

I'm glad to hear your second birthday party was better. Avery is sooooo cute.

fivewalkers said...

I am so sorry that this happened on your birthday. It totally sucks. I still standing by what I said in March. You will find him I promise. We had no idea you were even having cake and icecream!! RUDE! I wasn't invited!

Amanda said...


brittany michelle said...

your brothers are so sweet and avery is beautiful!